Keep your smoothie well balanced with carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Carbohydrates- Veggies and certain low glycemic fruits. Protein - protein powder ( soy, whey, rice, hemp, etc) or cottage cheese. Healthy Fats - Avocado, coconut oil, flax seed oil or powder. Fiber - leafy greens, veggies, certain low glycemic fruits

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Raspberry Lemonade

Raspberry Lemonade
1 cup sugar
1 cup of water
¾ cup raspberries; pureed and pushed through a fine mesh sieve; plus more whole berries for garnish if desired
1 cup fresh lemon juice (this equaled close to 8 of my lemons)
4-6 cups cold water 
1. Make a simple syrup by combining the sugar with 1 cup of water in a saucepan. Place over medium heat and heat until the sugar in completely dissolved; swirl the pan occasionally. Let cool.
2. Measure 3/4 of fresh raspberries and puree them in your blender or food processor.
3. Push the raspberry puree through a fine mesh sieve to separate the seeds from the pulp.
4. Once the simple syrup has cooled, combine the raspberry puree, simple syrup and lemon juice in a large pitcher.
5. Add 4-6 cups of cold water. The amount of water you use will depend on your taste, so add as little or as much as you want to achieve your perfect sweet/tart balance.

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Below are some key ingredients that you can use as a guide when creating your slimming juices:

Carrot: This delicious juice will help add sweetness but still let you benefit from the incredible benefits of this amazing vegetable such as digestion stimulant, liver cleanser, and high levels of beta-carotene.

Cucumber: a base of choice for most recipes since they are water dense and relatively low calorie.

Celery: Is often recommended in weight-loss programs as it is low calorie and water dense. Juice the entire celery stick including the chlorophyll rich green leaves.

Lettuce: dark-green lettuce types are nutrient dense and darker the lettuce the more alkalizing and mineral rich.

Cabbage: Powerful body-cleansing vegetable recommend often for weight loss. I'm sure you've heard of the "cabbage diet"

Beetroot: This is great vegetable that will add sweetness to your juice. Use sparingly.

Spinach: Rich in chlorophyll and minerals such as calcium, spinach is alkalizing and has numerous weight loss benefits.

Tomato: Helps reduce acid in body, and is beneficial for stimulating blood circulation, liver cleansing and blood purifying.

Watercress: Considered a powerful intestinal cleanser and toxin neutralizer and is good for the kidneys, bladder, blood circulation, cleansing the skin and said to stimulate fat burning.

Apple: This low glycemic fruit is known for a wide range of health benefits including supporting healthy blood-sugar levels.

Citrus Fruits: Grapefruits and Lemons in particular have gotten a lot of attention for it's role in weight loss support.